1977: Radio Aut, a powerful narrative driven game made for the Global Game Jam 2018, tells the true life tale of Peppino Impastato, a political activist and founder of Radio Aut – one of the most prominent voices in speaking out about the crimes and corruption of the Sicilian Mafia.
In 1977: Radio Aut you take on the role of Peppino Impastato, whose father is a powerful member of the Sicilian mafia and is keen for you to join the family business. Your mother is silent, unable to give opinions or say anything bad about the Mafia and their activities. These aren’t good people – this is something you know. The mafia is full of crime, violence, and pain – not something that is helpful to the people of your country. As you grow up, you are given decisions; to ask people about what is going on, to make your own path in the world.
Some of these decisions are morally sound, but come with some great consequences. In this game, just because you are doing what seems to be ‘right’ doesn’t mean that you are going to succeed and be in the clear. The mafia runs this part of the world, they are in every aspect of the culture and government. You might be able to make some change in your country, but it is a long road full of difficult choices.
The Mafia is often glorified in the movies and TV, but in reality it has caused untold harm to many around it. Peppino Impastato’s stand against such a powerful organisation is a remarkable thing and 1977: Radio Aut does a great job of telling his tale. Many will never have heard the story of Peppino Impastato and Radio Aut before, but it’s a story you’ll never forget. Highly recommended.
Play 1977: Radio Aut Here (Browser)