A Dragon Named Coal is a dark fairytale inspired by Castlevania: Symphony of the Night that features branching story mechanics inspired by Dragon Age: Origins. Coming to mobile, desktop, and consoles, it’s still in its early development stages but already it looks like a cool retro pixel art Metroidvania game with some interesting ideas.
Like Dragon Age: Origins, ADNC has NPC characters that evolve over time, with your decisions affecting how they progress, this occurs with various NPCs such as influential leaders, villains, and children that grow up as time progresses. For example, if a little girl is treated kindly, she’ll grow up to start a school for gifted mages. Abuse and torment her, she becomes a femme fatale running a gang of scoundrels.
It will also feature a comprehensive crafting system, allowing you craft legendary swords and armor to hundreds of combinations. You’ll also have a selection of NPC companions with different abilities that fight alongside you, converse with you, lend you abilities, find hidden areas, unlock doors and give various stat boosts. Levels will be packed with hidden areas and treasures, rewarding exploration and exploration.
A Dragon Named Coal is certainly worth keeping an eye on, it’s mixture of retro pixel art graphics belie a deep and complex game where choices matter and dragons wear scarf’s!
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