A Space for the Unbound is a beautifully animated narrative-driven pixel art adventure set in 90’s rural Indonesia, which tells a tale of an imaginative, but anxiety-stricken girl and a boy who can dive into the minds of people to help cure their problems.
Currently in development by Mojiken Studio (creators of When the Past Was Around and She and the Light Bearer), A Space for the Unbound is a touching slice-of-life adventure which follows a creative, imaginative and anxiety-filled young girl called Nirmala and her friend Atma, a young man with the ability to dive into people’s minds and clear the psychological issues that are causing them trouble.
A Space for the Unbound: Prologue takes around 30 minutes to play through and tells a heartwarming and heartfelt story with some real moments of drama. Nirmala has been working on a book which tells a beautiful little take of a star princess and her cat, but she’s struggling with the final chapter. You take control of Atma and attempt to assist Nirmala however you can, which involves diving into people’s minds and solving some fairly simple puzzles.
It’s shaping up to be a delightful little modern fairy-tale, with Nirmala’s troubled home-life adding some real emotional weight. It’s a beautifully animated and written little adventure which really makes you fall in love with the characters. Highly recommended.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download A Space for the Unbound Prologue Here (Steam)