A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe is a lighthearted and very relatable point and click adventure about an asocial giraffe who lives in a city where everyone’s way too friendly.
In A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe you are a giraffe who lives in Friendly City – the friendliest city in the world. Everyone’s always happy and keen to chat to anyone they meet. This is a problem for you as you really like a quiet life and would generally do anything to get out of having a conversation with any random people you meet.
A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe takes you through a week’s worth of awkward social situations, from taking an elevator to getting a photo taken. In each situation you need to figure out a way to achieve your task without having a conversation with another person. If you do get roped into a conversation, you’re prone to getting stressed out and exploding.
The demo takes around 15 minutes to play through and really impresses with its charming hand-animated visuals, relatable premise, fun puzzles and great humor. No matter how outgoing you are, this high-strung giraffe is all of us when we just can’t be bothered dealing with people. Highly recommended.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe Beta Demo Here (Steam)