Anthropocene, a short interactive narrative made for the Global Game Jam 2017, has you watching creatures die as it tells a tale of historical global extinction events on Earth – all backed up with some very surprising (and sometimes worrying) statistics.
In this Anthropocene you will explore the 6th waves of extinction that happened on planet earth. Each of these waves depart a snip of information about the time these creatures lived on earth and what happened to them. You will get to play these creatures, learn their name, and attempt to keep them alive. You can try to avoid the elements killing off a species, but it is quite hard to avoid the inevitable.
As extinction waves destroy many, many creatures on Earth, you will start to get closer to modern day. There’s no prizes for guessing what’s causing the present day extinction event, but that doesn’t make the statistics any less alarming. Anthropocene’s message may be a little heavy handed in parts, but it’s still an eye opening little narrative that relays a bite sized history of the lives and deaths of creatures on Earth in a fun and lighthearted way. A charming and thought provoking little narrative well worth checking out.
Play Anthropocene Here (Browser)