Arrowmancer features an intriguing fusion of strategy, Anime oddity and RPG gameplay as you become the CEO of an interplanetary witching corporation where you’ll be able to meet and recruit an infinite amount of waifu witches!
Coming to iOS and Android, in Arrowmancer you’ll manage your team of waifu witches and expand your empire throughout the stars in a game that promises a mixture of reflex testing action and strategy. What is perhaps most intriguing about Arrowmancer is that it will feature an infinite amount of characters, all generated by a clever AI that uses machine learning to create beautiful portraits that look hand-crafted (you can try out the software and make your own unique Waifu here)
There’s not a whole lot of info available about the gameplay of the actual game, but the AI powered character creation software is certainly very impressive. Sign up for hte Beta to explore an infinite space with infinite waifu witches!
Sign Up For The Arrowmancer Beta Here (iOS & Android)