Aurascope – Beta Demo

Aurascope is a pixel art action platforming adventure that plays like a glorious mash-up of the Sonic and Mario games as a two friends discover a mysterious drive from beyond the stars.

In Aurascope, siblings Trace and Aurora are out in the woods one day when they discover a mysterious drive called the Aurascope, which allows you to make objects appear out of thin air. You’ll use this new ability to collect Energy Cores and restore power back to the Islands of Starlight.

The gameplay in Aurascope takes the best elements of the 2D Sonic and Mario games and mashes them up into one delightful experience. The large multi-route levels are built for Sonic style speedrunning, but they’re also packed full of secrets, collectibles and puzzle elements that are more akin to Mario. What’s more, one character (Trace) handles like Sonic, complete with momentum-based running and a spin-roll, while Aurora handles much more like Mario. There are even some fun little nods with the animations, such as Trace’s Sonic style thumb’s up.

It’s not just a total copy of Sonic and Mario – Aurascope has plenty of personality and ideas of its own, but if you’ve ever wondered what a Sonic and Mario platformer would look like, then it definitely comes close. You get the best of both worlds all wrapped up in a vibrant world that’s packed full of charm and personality. Highly recommended.

Download The Aurascope Beta Demo Here (Steam)

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