BATHOS – Game Jam Build


BATHOS is a short pixel art puzzle game created for Ludum Dare, in which you have to find the correct key to unlock a door and escape captivity.

Set in a single room, with a charming pixel art visual style and an ominous soundtrack, to say too much about BATHOS will ruin the game, but suffice to say you wake up in a locked cell … Read More

Writhe: The Thing From The Omega Sector – Game Jam Build Download

Writhe game

Writhe: The Thing from the Omega Sector is a fun arcade action puzzler that sees you playing a multi-tentacle alien organism that must escape captivity and devour the scientists that imprisoned it.

Across each level you must avoid hazards, destroy security systems, eat all the scientists and escape via the teleporter.  This starts off fairly easily, but the difficulty soon ramps up as more and … Read More