Boxman Begins – Alpha Download

Boxman begins

Boxman Begins is a fast paced low poly multiplayer shooter that pits players in chaotic 3rd person arena matches

The Alpha Demo is only Single Player Vs Bots at the moment, but it’s still great fun, offering adrenaline-fuelled matches full of anarchic fun.  There are two gameplay modes at present – ‘King’ and ‘Pass The Bullet’.  ‘Pass the Bullet’ has snipers passing around a single … Read More

Dyadic – Student Project Download

Dyadic game

Dyadic is an inventive puzzle platformer in which players work together and share to solve complex puzzles in a mysterious ancient ruin.

Created by students of SAE Creative Media Institute, Brisbane, Dyadic impresses with it’s co-operative gameplay and intelligent puzzle design.  It’s meant to be played with two players locally, with each player using one side of a controller, but can be played by one … Read More

SkyRider & The Journey To The AirCitadel – Alpha Demo

Skyrider and the journey to the aircitadel

SkyRider & the Journey to the AirCitadel is a superb puzzle action platformer with beautiful pixel art animation and innovative gameplay that sees you controlling two symbiotic characters independently – one with the mouse and one with the keyboard.

The action platforming, audio design and pixel art animation are all fantastic, but it’s the clever interplay between Noki (a human controlled with the keyboard) and … Read More