Awesomenauts – Steam Beta Key Giveaway

Awesomenauts Steam Key Giveaway

We have 5000 Steam Beta keys to giveaway for Awesomenauts to celebrate it’s anticipated new 4.0 update which plans to make it’s fun brand of cartoony 3v3 combat free for all!

As we reported a couple of weeks ago, Awesomenauts is bringing its popular blend of lighthearted, characterful 3v3 MOBA mayhem to the free-to-play market, giving the user-base a nice boost and bringing some welcome new tweaks and additions too. You can find a full rundown of the new additions here, but It’ll feature a new armory, custom portraits, droppods, medals and the ability to level up your profile and the Naut you played at separately.

Originally released on PS3 way back in 2012, Awesomenauts has evolved and seen a lot of success during its five year life span, with a constant stream of updates and new characters to bolster the roster. It’s currently in Beta testing for its free-to-play update that’s due for release on the 24th of May, but if you want in now, just complete two of the actions in the widget below and your key will appear there instantly.  If you miss out on a key you can still sign up for the Beta here. Awesomenauts assemble!

UPDATE: 5000 More Keys Added! Claim Yours Now!