Bob’s Game, a game being created by Robert Pelloni, is a 2D 16bit styled game that is extremely hard to describe. On one hand you could say it’s a game within a game due to the mini games it features, but when you look at the overarching story, you find that it’s actually about corruption in the gaming industry.
in Demo 3 you play as a character creating a new project on his computer. You wake up to a typical day – turning on your lights and PC, making some coffee, and then either sitting down to code a game or you play a game, this bit is hard to tell, for several hours. Once you’re done a small cut scene plays off this character turning of your PC and lights. After this you go to sleep, only to be awoken shortly after by your door buzzer going off. You head to the door and a mysterious voice says “It’s time!”. The door swings open and you then enter walk through the door it turns out that you’ve entered an elevator. This elevator then takes you down to a long platform that leads you onto a stage. The lights turn on and a roaring crowd is seen screaming and chanting as he unveils the nD prototype. You then take control of another character, simply named Yuu, that gets first crack at the mini games. After you eventually lose a mini game a long speech takes place by the creator, which we wont go into here as it’s better to read it for yourself.
Bob’s Game not only impresses with its game-within-a-game motif, but also with its story and the message behind it. Mr Pelloni has certainly made his point clear with this demo and after playing it you’ll can see why so many people are supporting him. To think someone created the game engine from scratch, along with all the elements of the actual game as well is a remarkable feat. The game may be very sure, but the ending will make you think about what is said and if it could be true.
Bob’s Game has depth, soul and a lot of creativity all thrown in to a chaotic bomb of vibrance and sound. We’d recommend all gamers give the demo a play – a cleverly written adventure with a story that will leave you wondering if it could actually be true.
Visit the Bob’s Game Greenlight Page Here
Download the Bob’s Game Demos Here (Windows Only)