CACTUS – Beta Demo

CACTUS is a Serious Sam inspired old school FPS where a cactus with explosive needles sets out to kill a sun god.

In CACTUS the sun god that orbits your planet has been hit by a mysterious object and turned mad. It’s now turned the creatures on your planet into its minions and caused destruction all across the world. After losing all of its loved ones, a cactus sets out on a mission of vengeance.

The old school run ‘n gun gameplay of CACTUS draws inspiration from Serious Sam, Doom and Quake, but with some fun new modern twists. There’s a nice amount of environmental destruction, and your main weapon (the needles you fire at enemies) can be used to cause explosions during reloads.

It could possibly do with making the reload explosion effects bigger and the frags more brutal (enemies just fall over when killed at the moment), but other than that CACTUS is a very promising ame. The combat is satisfying, the premise is fun, the level design is excellent and it’s got a great Serious Sam-esque visual style. A cactus FPS that’s sure to prick your interest.

Download The CACTUS Beta Demo Here (Steam)

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