Last Ark – GameJam Build

last ark

Last Ark is an interesting roguelike space adventure that sees you controlling a symbiote who’s piloting a craft containing all that remains of the human race, as you search the Universe for a planet that can support life.

As you explore the Universe you’ll have to make some pretty tough decisions in order to manage your energy, health and resource levels.  As you search for … Read More

Orion Trail – Alpha Demo

Orion Trail

Orion Trail is a wonderful mix of FTL and The Oregon Trail that sees you commanding your Star Trek-esque vessel across the deadly Orion Trail, embarking on missions full of bizarre random encounters.

After choosing your captain, crew and ship you set out across the Orion Trail.  On the way you must decide how to deal with many strange encounters – from tentacle … Read More

Save the Giant – GameJam Build

save the giant game

Composed for Ludum Dare #31, Save the Giant takes sidescroller action to new heights with its simplicity and addicting action. This 2D combat/climbing title assigns players to ascend to the top of a giant colossus that’s infected with creatures leeching off its body and emitting spores that attack the player when they get anywhere near it.

The controls are simple and complete, enough to get … Read More

Entomophobia – GameJam Build


Entomophobia is a GameBoy styled Ludum Dare 31 twin-stick blaster that has the player collecting power-ups and defeating waves of icky arthropods on a single chaos-filled screen.

This game, which looks just like it is being displayed on a GameBoy Color, has the player controlling the main and only character and their crossbow. With this crossbow, you must destroy waves and waves of huge bugs. … Read More

Brick From The Wall – Open Beta

brick from the wall

Brick From The Wall offers up a short and very intense tower climbing experience that sees you trying to escape your prison, while unintentionally unleashing a powerful evil force upon the world.

Gameplay is simple – you are a rather agile little brick who can move left or right and double-jump with ease.  You can meander around the bottom of the tower as much as … Read More