Bad Onion – Prototype Download

Bad Onion

Bad Onion, a brutally funny game made for the Let’s Cook Jam, see’s you playing an onion carrying out a variety of heists with your banana friend, making choices that affect how smoothly the heist goes and how much blood is spilled.

You and your banana buddy have turned to a life of crime – robbing stores and double crossing drug dealers, in … Read More

Of Guards And Thieves – Early Access Key Giveaway (Steam)

Of Guards and Thieves

Of Guards And Thieves is a great asymmetric multiplayer stealth action game we first covered last year, in which stealthy thieves face off against powerful guards across a variety of game modes.

The main gameplay mode in the game is ‘Guards and Thieves’ in which Guards have to guard a variety of objects scattered across the map, with only one being the real target … Read More

Soopa Vs The Universal Conquest Bagel – Game Jam Build Download

soopa vs

Soopa vs the Universal Conquest Bagel, an action platformer made for the Universal Conquest Bagel Jam, needs you to save the small country of Derpensnaans from evil, oversized bagels!

An enormous space-bagel full of power has targeted a little restaurant in this small town. This bagel was able to fire a beam of energy into the restaurant, causing all the food to turn evil … Read More

The Aspect – Game Jam Build Download

The Aspect

The Aspect is a short, charming and rather silly pixel art platfroming adventure that see’s you playing a cult member who must gather items for a sacred ritual.

Developed by Backterra, creator of the excellent Rockrocket, The Aspect combines humor, simple platforming, puzzle solving and wonderful pixel art animation to create a fun 10 minute romp full of charm and oddity.  You play a … Read More

Spellweaver – Open Beta


Spellweaver is a great new lore-rich online digital trading card game (TCG) that we first covered during it’s Closed Beta, that blends the ease of access of Hearthstone with the deep strategy of Magic: The Gathering.

Now nearing the end of it’s development cycle, Spellweaver has entered Open Beta and it really is looking like something that can compete with the big boys os … Read More