Block N’ Load – Beta Key Giveaway

block N load game

Block N Load is a very cool multiplayer first person shooter we featured a few weeks ago, where you can build and destroy the fully transformable maps as you play.

Matches are filled with lots of fun voxel based destruction, making for some wonderfully chaotic skirmishes.  Block N Load’s fully transformable maps and different character loadouts allow for a nice variety of play styles, … Read More

Faceted Flight – Alpha Demo

faceted flight

Faceted Flight is a wonderful low poly arcade flight sim that allows you to hop in the cockpit of a remarkably agile Hover Jet and pilot your way through beautifully stylized environments.

Developed with VR in mind (but not necessary to play), you get a great feeling of exhilaration as you swoop and swerve around mountainsides in your nimble little vehicle.  The Alpha Demo offers … Read More

Kriophobia – Alpha Demo


Kriophobia is a creepy frostbitten survival horror, that plans to return to the genre’s roots, when the words “survival horror” actually meant something.

Featuring a beautiful mix of fixed camera angles, 2D hand drawn backgrounds and 3D cel shaded character design, Kriophobia feels like you’ve entered an immersive graphic novel.  The dark storyline offers up real scares and peril as you literally fall into a … Read More

I’m Positive – Game Jam Build Download

I'm Positive Game

I’m Positive is a powerful and emotional experience that puts you in the shoes of Tim, a young man who discovers he may have HIV.

One of the five winners of the Games for Health Game Jam, it’s a short branching text based narrative, interspersed with inventive mini-games.  You follow Tim as he goes through the testing process for HIV after finding out that … Read More