ParadoxBob – Student Project Download


ParadoxBob is a fun Super Crate Box-style single screen arcade high-score chasing action platformer, full of fast paced action and assorted OTT weaponry.

Created by students at KDU University College, ParadoxBob offers up fun, fast paced arcade gameplay as you jump and shoot your way around levels, avoiding the time-police, while trying to go through as many time portals as possible.  As you jump … Read More

Beyond Flesh and Blood – Xmas Alpha Demo

flesh and blood xmas

Beyond Flesh and Blood is has released a special festive themed Alpha Demo, with Christmas hats and exploding presents! (thanks to Morrow Gore for notifying us)

Beyond Flesh and Blood is a post-apocalyptic story-led 3rd person action/shooter, featuring huge metal endoskeletons battling across the decaying city of Manchester (UK).  Gameplay in the Alpha Demo blends 3rd person shooting (horde mode especially) with tower defense … Read More

Hollow – GameJam Build Download


Hollow is a wonderful haunted horse ride inspired by The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, full of spooky scares and full of some of the most stunning low poly visuals you’re ever likely to see.

There are two types of gameplay available – a guided on-rails chariot ride and a free roaming horse ride, we’d highly recommend trying both (Chariot first, then the horse ride).  … Read More

Orion Trail – Alpha Demo

Orion Trail

Orion Trail is a wonderful mix of FTL and The Oregon Trail that sees you commanding your Star Trek-esque vessel across the deadly Orion Trail, embarking on missions full of bizarre random encounters.

After choosing your captain, crew and ship you set out across the Orion Trail.  On the way you must decide how to deal with many strange encounters – from tentacle … Read More

Legacy Of The Elder Star – Prototype Download

legacy of the elder star

Legacy Of The Elder Star is an innovative new procedurally generated side-scrolling shoot-em-up where you use the mouse to control your movement and unleash powerful slashing melee attacks.

You control a cosmonaut who must defend the universe against the infinite legion.  You do this by shooting and slashing your way through procedurally generated waves of enemies and big boss fights.  All movement it controlled via … Read More