Once Upon a Möbius Strip – Game Jam Build Download

Once Upon a Möbius Strip is an excellent little Lucasarts inspired Game Boy styles point and click adventure where you try to reverse the effects of your Uncle turning your house into a Möbius Strip!

Created for the Black and White Jam, in Once Upon a Möbius Strip you follow the adventure of a young girl who is trying to go to the bathroom. Ordinarily … Read More

Study Lady (cookie mix) – Game Jam Build

Study Lady (cookie mix) is a charming little incremental clicker where you purchase upgrades that change the scene while listening to lo-fi beats and studying.

Created for Ludum Dare 50, in Study Lady (cookie mix) you watch a looping scene of a woman studying while her cat mischievously knocks over the glass of milk by her side. You can purchase upgrades for various different parts … Read More