Statues – Alpha Demo

statues game

Remember those creepy angel statues from Doctor Who that only moved when you weren’t looking?  Well Statues is a freaky horror game based on that very premise – if you blink or turn your back, they’ll be coming for you!

Your character has had an irrational fear of statues since childhood, or at least it used to be an irrational fear, now it’s a perfectly … Read More

GRIDBERD – Beta Demo


GRIDBERD is a very freaky first person survival horror with near photo-realistic CryEngine-powered visuals and plenty of terrifying scares.

Starting off chained to a chair, about to undergo a Hostel-esque bit of torture in the hands of an axe wielding maniac, you’re granted a temporary reprieve from your doom and use it as a chance to escape.  You find that you’re in the abandoned … Read More

Puppet Master: The Game – Multiplayer Prototype Download

puppet master

Puppet Master: The Game is an awesome new horror game based on the cult movies of the 80’s and 90’s, featuring asymmetric multiplayer that pits three diminutive (but deadly) puppets against one human.

We first featured the interactive trailer back in September in which you control Blade as he searches for the rest of his little friends, but now a fully functioning prototype with 3 v 1 multiplayer gameplay … Read More

Out of Mind – Game Jam Build Download

Out of Mind

Out of Mind, a dread-filled dungeon crawler made for the Ludum Dare 32, in which you must traverse a dark asylum avoiding your own memories at all costs.

In this dark game, you play as a person in an asylum, looking for a way out. Memories, conjured up by your paranoia, chase you around this relatively confined levels. Memories lurk around any corner and … Read More

Icy – Alpha Download


Recently crowdfunded RPG Survival Simulator Icy is now available as an Alpha build. The game puts players in an Oregon Trail-like winter wasteland situation where the main character is part of a nomadic group plagued by hunger and uncertainty.

With the amount of variables factoring into an equation resulting in death, the hypothermia-inducing temperatures seem to be the least of anyone’s worries. Players will … Read More