Where They Once Were – GameJam Build Download

Where They Once Were

Where They Once Were, a stunning Ludum Dare 31 game, puts you in the position of a woman who has found a strange and abandoned cottage while trying to escape some pursuers.

You must now survive in this strangely empty cabin. This cabin is locked, but a key is hanging right by the door, so it seems as if anyone can just go right … Read More

Beyond Flesh and Blood – Xmas Alpha Demo

flesh and blood xmas

Beyond Flesh and Blood is has released a special festive themed Alpha Demo, with Christmas hats and exploding presents! (thanks to Morrow Gore for notifying us)

Beyond Flesh and Blood is a post-apocalyptic story-led 3rd person action/shooter, featuring huge metal endoskeletons battling across the decaying city of Manchester (UK).  Gameplay in the Alpha Demo blends 3rd person shooting (horde mode especially) with tower defense … Read More

Hollow – GameJam Build Download


Hollow is a wonderful haunted horse ride inspired by The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, full of spooky scares and full of some of the most stunning low poly visuals you’re ever likely to see.

There are two types of gameplay available – a guided on-rails chariot ride and a free roaming horse ride, we’d highly recommend trying both (Chariot first, then the horse ride).  … Read More

Kriophobia – Alpha Demo


Kriophobia is a creepy frostbitten survival horror, that plans to return to the genre’s roots, when the words “survival horror” actually meant something.

Featuring a beautiful mix of fixed camera angles, 2D hand drawn backgrounds and 3D cel shaded character design, Kriophobia feels like you’ve entered an immersive graphic novel.  The dark storyline offers up real scares and peril as you literally fall into a … Read More

Recollection – Student Project Download


Recollection is a short and surreal first person adventure puzzle game in which you explore the memories of an elderly man on his death bed.

Created by a group of students at Vancouver Film School, Recollection has a dream-like and slightly unsettling atmosphere and excellent visuals.  The puzzles are cleverly designed and require the same type of lateral thinking and experimentation that was seen in … Read More