Cloudbase Prime – Prototype Download

cloudbade prime

Cloudbase Prime is a first person platformer/shooter where you have the ability to rapidly move the hexagonal columns into the air, causing whatever is on top (you or an enemy) to go rocketing into the air.

The footage above is taken from one of the latest builds, but the original prototype can be downloaded freely.  It offers a short story mode and Survival modes, firing … Read More

DieselStörmers – Prototype Download


DieselStörmers is a fast paced side scrolling shooter for up to 4 players, with lush visuals, fully customisable weaponry and procedurally generated missions, enemies and maps.

DieselStörmers has an interesting Dieselpunk/medieval fantasy setting, full of orc and gobin-type creatures, but with weaponry and armour powered by roaring engines.  Weaponry in the finished game will be highly customisable, with you able to combine frames, barrels and … Read More

Freedom Planet – Alpha Demo

freedom planet

Freedom Planet is a fast paced retro platformer inspired by Megaman, Gunstar Heroes and (most notably) Sonic.  Run, smash and fight your way through huge levels battling a variety of enemies, mini bosses and Bosses, as well as taking part in some action-packed set pieces.

Gameplay is very similar to the classic Sonic games, in-fact if one of the 3 female characters was swapped … Read More

Corridors Of Uncertainty – Pre-Alpha Download

Corridors of Uncertainty

Corridors Of Uncertainty is procedurally generated rogue-like with fully destructible maps, a wide array of weaponry and plenty of violence.  The Pre-Alpha gives you one life to shoot, kill and demolish your way to the end of the levels, attempting to get as high a score as possible.

The weaponry is great fun to play around with, from lightsabers to rocket launchers, they all pack … Read More