Chicken Police is a satirical buddy-cop film noir detective adventure that follows a couple of crime-fighting chickens as they get to the bottom of a case in a city full of anthropomorphic animals.
Currently in development by The Wild Gentlemen, Chicken Police blends visual novel and point and click adventure gameplay as two chickens attempt to crack a case in the city of Clawville. It’s a narrative rich experience that draws inspiration from classic games like Grim Fandango, Policenauts and Snatcher, as well as movies like The Big Sleep and Double Indemnity.
The current demo build of Chicken Police takes around an hour to play through and follows a once legendary crime-fighting duo (who fell out some time ago and one shot the other), as they team up to crack a new case. There is a short target practice minigame, but the majority of plays out as a visual novel/point and click adventure, with your time is spent looking for clues and talking to the various anthropomorphic animals you meet.
It’s a visually striking game with a photorealistic visual style that looks incredible and also highlights the absurdity of the fact that everyone has a very realistic animal head perched on top of a human body. It really nails the film noir vibe it’s going for. Meanwhile, the voice acting is excellent throughout, the story is interesting and the writing is very witty, packed full of cynical humor and animal-based puns. A ridiculous and riveting hardboiled detective adventure that will give you a clucking good time.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download Chicken Police Beta Demo Here (Steam)