Cloudbase Prime is a game that just gets more and more amazing each time we play it. It’s a fabulous first person shooter/platformer that we first covered last year, with huge enemies, a wicked sense of humor, a fantastic low poly visual style, and the ability to manipulate the environment to propel you (or enemies) high into the air.
To coincide with the start of the games Greenlight campaign, developer Tyrus Peace has released a new build with a ton of new improvements – including big and small walker robots, a rail system, holographic platforms, a visual upgrade, an improved soundtrack and a gigantic ATAT-style walker. Also, there’s more dialogue for your wonderfully written robotic AI, which provides some truly hilarious commentary, with some real laugh-out-loud moments.
Much like your AI companion, Cloudbase Prime is as vibrant, silly and gleeful as ever. You play a mining robot capable of instantly shifting the hexagonal columns that make up the world up or down, propelling yourself or anything else standing on them high into the air. This can be used in a variety of ways, but the most fun (and useful) use is to fire yourself into the air, clearing obstacles and dodging enemies. It’s a fun mechanic that never gets old.
Cloudbase Prime has come a long way since the original 7DFPS prototype 2 years ago. Full of lush greenery, stunning vistas, bizarre enemies, vibrant colors, exciting gameplay and wonderful writing – it’s a place that you can’t help but enjoy exploring. We’ll certainly be on cloud 9 if this gets Greenlit.
Note: The majority of the new improvements are on the later levels after the boss fight so if you’ve played the previous build we featured you might want to skip to them (must complete boss fight first though).
Vote for Cloudbase Prime on Greenlight HERE
Download the Alpha HERE (Win, Mac & Linux)