Dire Vengeance, a game being developed by Magic Shot Games, is a fast paced 2D action platformer with a heavy influence from the Castlevania games of old.
You play as Pandora, an extremely talented warrior who must decide the fate of the very world she protects. With her enchanted armour, that absorbs the souls of all that she vanquishes, you gain the ability to greatly magnify your powers. Run speed and jump height, weapons power and health are amongst the skills you can increase are you bash the hordes of demons that come after you.
Your armour isn’t the only weapon at your disposal, as you can find a variety of hidden artefact weapons that have both pros and cons in battle. The amount of different combinations you can achieve between you powered up abilities and weapon choices can make the horde of undead and demons seem like mere playthings on the battle field.
The Dire Vengeance demo build alone boast a fantastically polished game. Every enemy, weapon and background tie in superberly with one another and the the dark and gloom landscape adds to the ambience as you travel through the world. The music is filled with heavy riffs and awesome drum beats, that make you feel as though you have been transported to the depths of hell themselves.
By the end of the demo you’ll be drooling for more action, more power and more chaos. With vengeance on your mind, how will you govern your powers? For the greater good, or for the pure evil?
NOTE: The game is best played with an Xbox 360 controller but does offer Keyboard controls if necessary.
Download The Dire Vengeance Alpha Demo Here