Don’t Eat My Mind You Stupid Monsters – Game Jam Build Download

Don’t Eat My Mind You Stupid Monsters is a fast paced hack ‘n slash survival action game where you try to stop monsters from eating your mind, which is represented by all the blocks in the level.

Created for the BenBonk Game Jam 2, Don’t Eat My Mind You Stupid Monsters is an addictive little game where you try to stop your mind from being eaten by monsters. In the game the level is your mind and it’s also pretty much your health – so when it’s all gone then it’s game over.

You’ll lose pieces of the level (your mind) when it’s destroyed by monsters, or your character takes damage or if the level timer reaches zero. The more of your mind is destroyed, the less space you’ll have to move around on, but you can collect “re-minders” which you can use to rebuild the level. At the end of each level you can also choose from a selection of useful upgrades, such as making your sword bigger, increasing your speed or giving you another re-minder.

It’s a simple, stylish and addictive little game with a great gameplay loop and excellent pixel art animation. It’s a great concept and the way the level changes throughout the game really keeps you on your toes. See if you can avoid losing your mind!

Download or Play Don’t Eat My Mind You Stupid Monsters Here (Windows & Browser)