Egging On is a tricky physics-based platformer where a fragile little chicken egg attempts to roll and jump their way high up into the sky.
A little like Only Up! but with lots of chickens and an egg, Egging On puts you in the role of an egg as you climb from the bottom of a chicken house up into the heavens. There are lots of differently themed areas to climb your way through, each promising fresh challenges and unique atmospheres.
Being an egg, you’re not massively agile, but you can jump and roll pretty well. You’ll need to be careful not to have any big falls as they can crack your shell and spill your yolk. Thankfully your shell can regenerate, but still, as in Only Up! falls can be very costly. Sign up for now for a chance to crack your way into the Beta!
Sign Up For The Egging On Beta Here (Slick “Request Access”)