GLIDE is a beautiful, chilled out little flying game where you glide through the air, earning boosts as you speed through canyons and man-made structures.
There’s little in the way of instruction or narrative in GLIDE, instead you figure out the game as you play. You can glide through the air and earn speed boost by passing through the various glowing rings that are built into the structures that litter the landscape. You can also earn manual boosts by collecting the seven orbs that are scattered around the world.
There doesn’t appear to be any end goal in GLIDE in the current build – the game’s description does say to travel to the monolith on the horizon but reaching it doesn’t do anything. That said, it’s fun just soaring through the skies and trying to build up as much speed as possible. It’s a beautiful and tranquil experience that makes you feel like a pretty incredible pilot as you squeeze through the various boost points.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The GLIDE Prototype Here (Windows)