Happy Nemo (Working Title) is a charming and chaotic looking party game with Gang Beasts-esque physics, gorgeous visuals and some seriously adorable playable characters.
Currently in development by Recreate Games, Happy Nemo doesn’t even have a proper name yet (the current one is just taken from the names of the studio boss’s two pet Corgis), but no matter what it ends up getting called, it looks like it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. Judign by the small amount of footage released to far it seems a lot like a much more polished version of Gang Beasts. The characters look incredibly cute (even when beating each other up) and the animation and physics based combat looks fantastic.
Happy Nemo will be playable in online and local multiplayer, and will be coming to Steam first then hopefully Switch, PlayStation, Xbox and mobile platforms. The full game is due for release in 2020 before the end of 2019. Sign up now for a chance to join in the fun!
Sign Up For The Happy Nemo Alpha Here