Heliophobia is a tense and terrifying first person psychological horror adventure with a very intriguing nonlinear narrative that feels like you’re jumping from nightmare to nightmare.
As we mentioned during the Alpha sign up, Heliophobia offers a sinister and surreal belnd of exploration, puzzle solving and stealth set in a dark city that’s home to some very freaky monsters. It draws inspiration from the likes of Mulholland Drive and Memento to give you a multi-layered narrative that’s fragmented across different self contained scenes. The levels, events and environmental factors will be different for each player, but every storyline will eventually converge.
The current build of Heliophobia features the first three scenes of the game and is a very scary experience from start to finish. You’ll need to use a combination of problem solving, stealth and good old fashioned running away to survive the waking nightmare that you’re trapped in. You’re guided through the experience by helpful notes that are scattered around the levels, some unsigned and some from someone called J.R. – though it’s unsure whether you should really trust J.R.
Even in these early stages of development, the audio and visual design in Heliophobia is very polished – it’s a genuinely scary place to be, especially when any of the monsters are nearby! The way you jump from scene to scene is also very unsettling, as you just get used to one nightmare then you’re thrown face first into another one. It’s a great bit of game design that really keeps you on the back foot for the whole playtime. A surreal, cerebral and spine-chilling experience that we highly recommend checking out.
Check out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The Heliophobia Here (Windows, Mac & Linux)