Hug Them Real Good is an adorable little game that sees you giving hugs and making friends in a charming low poly playground.
In Hug Them Real Good you control a little ball with two big arms. To move you need to charge up your energy bar by using the mouse scroll wheel then use the WASD keys to move. When you come across a potential friend in the playground you then roll into them to start giving them a hug. You then need to use the scroll wheel on your mouse to alter the squeeze pressure and give your new friend the optimum hug – at which point they’ll become your friend and start following you around the park.
Hug Them Real Good only takes around five minutes to play through, but it’s a fun little game with a charming premise and a cheerful atmosphere. A hug-filled friend-making adventure well worth embracing.
Note: You need a keyboard with a trackpad or a mouse with a scroll wheel to play!
Download or Play Hug Them Real Good Here (Windows, Mac & Browser)