HUSH is a new episodic narrative driven interactive FMV thriller that follows a morally ambiguous henchman in a city of vice and corruption.
Currently in development by Flavourworks (creators of Erica) and due for release on iOS and Android, HUSH blends TellTale-esque interactive storytelling with movie-quality FMV visuals. There’s little info available about the plot at the moment, but it will revolve around a henchman called Bambi and will see you using touch gesture-based interactions to affect how the story plays out.
Erica was very well received upon release and HUSH looks set to be even better. Sign up for the Beta to join in the new age of FMV adventures that are actually good (rather than the dark days of Night Trap on the Sega CD!)
Sign Up For the HUSH Beta Here (iOS & Android)