Iron Conflict – Beta Key Giveaway (Steam)

We have 2,000 more Steam Beta keys to giveaway for Iron Conflict – the MOBA/RTS hybrid with epic military battles between up to 20 players.

Featured back in August during the last Beta key giveaway, Iron Conflict blends real-time strategy with MOBA elements as players take part in large scale multiplayer military battles. It features 3v3, 5v5 and 10v10 game modes, with each player able to take command of three different historically accurate war machines. There’s a vast array of vehicles to choose from WWII tanks to modern day fighter jets and you can command them from a bird’s-eye perspective or get in close to micromanage them.

The next Iron Conflict playtest starts today at 7PM PST on Steam and will include a brand new map. To claim your key just carry out any two actions in the giveaway widget below and it will appear instantly. See you on the battlefield!