Is This Seat Taken? – Beta Demo

Is This Seat Taken? is a cozy logic-based puzzle game where you’re tasked with placing fussy citizens in seats in various public locations.

In Is This Seat Taken? you are presented with various social situations where people need to take a seat (on a bus, in a diner, at a wedding, etc.). You place the little shape-based citizens in their seats by simply dragging and dropping them. However, they all have specific requirements that need to be met for them to be happy.

These requirements range from needing to be sat next to a window, to needing to be sat next to a particular person or away from someone who smells. Things start off fairly easily, but as the number of citizens increases and the number of spare seats decreases things can get tricky.

It’s a great little puzzle game with great puzzle design, a fun premise and easily accessible gameplay. A particular highlight is the conversations that the citizens have with each other, which really adds a lot of personality to the game. Highly recommended.

Download The Is This Seat Taken? Beta Demo Here (Steam)

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