Knife Sisters is a visual novel adventure which revolves around a non-binary transperson called Leo who gets dragged into a secret society full of strange assignments, occult rituals and BDSM.
In Knife Sisters you follow the story of Leo, a non-binary transperson who wakes up one day with a thumping headache and no memory of the night before (but with an uneasy feeling that something bad may have happened). It has something to do with an artist Leo met six weeks ago called Dagger, who belongs to a secret society called the Knife Sisters.
The Knife Sisters society is built on a mixture of occult rituals and BDSM, and as Leo gets to know Dagger she brings Leo into the fold. Leo is then continually pushed as they’re given strange assignments, many of which will test Leo’s dominant, submissive and switch sides as Leo develops as a person.
Knife Sisters’ gender and sexually diverse cast and mature take on the world of BDSM should make for a very interesting and eye-opening experience. The Beta will be starting on March 11th so sign up now to get your kink on.
Sign Up For the Knife Sisters Beta Here