Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a beautifully animated sequel to the long running Monster World/Wonder Boy franchise, which follows a young boy called Jin as he sets out to stop his uncle from spreading chaos across the kingdom.
Previously released on Switch, PS4 and Xbox One, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is now bringing its lighthearted old school action platforming adventures to PC. It’s developed in collaboration with Ryuichi Nishizawa (creator of the Wonder Boy series) and follows a boy called Jin as he (and many others around him) are transformed into animals by his mad uncle Nabu. He must now set forth, battle monsters, discover secrets and unlock new skills and equipment as he attempts to stop the chaos his uncle is unleashing on the world.
The current demo build of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom features around 30 minutes of gameplay and culminates with a big boss fight. It’s by no means groundbreaking, but it is a charming and beautifully animated adventure with gameplay that harkens back to the glory days of the 16-bit action platformer. The controls are responsive, the soundtrack is excellent are lots of great little touches and secret areas to discover. An old school action platformer that doesn’t set out to reinvent the wheel but does a great job of perfecting it.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom Beta Demo Here (Steam)