Not Tonight 2 – Beta Key Giveaway (Steam)

We have another 5,000 Steam Beta keys to giveaway for Not Tonight 2, a thought provoking narrative-driven adventure set in an alternate right wing America.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer last September, in Not Tonight 2 you’ll follow the adventure of three bouncers who carry out jobs at different venues as they make their way across a far right wing version of America. They need to make it to Miami to rescue their friend who is about to be deported under America’s strict immigration control policy.

To pay for their trip across America the trio of bouncers need to work the doors at various venues along the way, from clubs to churches and cults. There’s a lot of Papers, Please-esque document checking and each venue will have a different cross-section of clientele that will help build a picture of the game’s rather unsettling version of America.

The Not Tonight 2 Beta is live on Steam now. To claim your key and join in just complete any two actions in the widget below. Your key will appear instantly.