Onigiri is a fast paced action-focused Anime MMORPG where you take on the role of one of the legendary Oni, roused from your peaceful and isolated life. You must set out, with 8 NPCs, each with their own personality and abilities, and restore peace to the troubled lands.
It’s a good looking game, with a fun Anime graphical style, full of buxom ladies and crazy costumes. There’s a wide variety of weaponry, powers and skills to unlock, that will have to be seleected tactically as a lot of the monsters have specific weaknesses. It’s best played with others, but although it’s an MMO, you’re free to play on your own if you don’t fancy partnering up with friends.
The Beta test is for the PC version, but it’s already been released for PS4 in Japan and will most likely be seeing a PS4 release in the West. Players who take part in the Beta test will recieve special bonuses, such as EXP and Money boosts, as well as some ‘Soul Eggs’ for when your party is in a tight spot.
Sign-Up for the Beta HERE