Pee-er the French Park Liquid Cleaning Robot – Game Jam Build Download


Pee-er the French Park Liquid Cleaning Robot, a silly puzzle game made for the AGDS Jam #1, has you cleaning up the park with your well adjusting (and rather inappropriately placed) hose.

In this game, you play as Pee-er, a french park cleaner who uses his well placed, adjusting hose to move bear poop into the pond. Small balls of poop are dotted around the park in water gutters. You must use your hose to guide and push these small poops into the center pond. The tip of your hose can be adjusted to any angle so that you are always able to fire water in the right direction.

You are unable to look up and survey the gutters, so you must rely on instinct when guiding the poop to the hole. Some gutters lead to false ends while others have small hills that require more power to push past. This game is done completely in black and white, with french music playing in the background, just to set the mood.

Play as Pee-er, listen to some nice music and have a lovely time playing with your hose to clean up the park!

Note: If you are able to make all of the bear poops into the hole, it may or may not crash the game.

The controls are a little odd and take a while to master:  Q/E – Rotate Character,  WASD – Aim Hose,  Arrows keys – Move Character,  Spacebar – Use Hose

Download Pee-er the French Park Liquid Cleaning Robot Here