Sayri: The Beginning is a beautiful non-combative third person puzzle adventure that revolves around friendship, love and courage as you try to survive on an unfamiliar alien world.
Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer back in 2017, Sayri: The Beginning is a third person adventure that follows the story of a lone alien whose escape capsule lands on an unfamiliar planet after their own planet was destroyed by a disaster. You must now explore the strange planet, make new friends, overcome obstacles and survive in the beautiful and mysterious world that is now your home.
The NPCs you meet all have their own unique personalities and behaviours, and helping them will help you form friendships with them. To make your way through the world you’ll need to use your telekinetic powers and the unique abilities of your newly acquired friends.
It’s a beautiful looking game and friendly non-combative gameplay is a breath of fresh air n a game industry where 90% of all games revolve around killing something. Sign up for the Alpha to go on an adventure that’s all about getting by with a little help from your friends!
Sign Up For The Sayri: The Beginning Alpha Here