Security: The Horrible Nights – Beta Demo

Security: The Horrible Nights is a pixel art horror adventure where you’re a security guard in a hospital and every time you die an entirely new story begins.

Currently in development by Professional Villains (creators of The ER and Anglerfish), Security: The Horrible Nights is a horror game about a security guard in a hospital where anything can happen. Your job is to monitor the security cameras for any anomalies and if you spot any you have to run out and fix them.

There’s a huge amount of events that can occur, each of which is a different hand-designed story. Your actions can affect how they turn out, but every time you die a new story will begin, with new horrible ways to die too!

The demo features four different stories that offer a nice mixture of humor, horror and fun twists. The pixel art animation is excellent and you never know what crazy adventure you’re going to have next. Highly recommended.

Download The Security: The Horrible Nights Beta Demo Here (Steam)