You can now sign up to Beta test Severed Steel, a carnage filled FPS where you get into balletic slow-mo gun-fights in destructible voxel-based environments.
Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer back in May, Severed Steel feels like a blend of Max Payne, Hotline Miami and Vanquish, but in first person and with fully destructible environments. In the game you take control of a one-armed protagonist who blasts her way through a massive facility filled with enemy soldiers. Having one arm may sound like a disadvantage, but it’s really not as it allows you to attack a special arm cannon that can blast through walls.
As well as the arm cannon you can grab and use any enemy weapon you come across and you also have a handy melee kick at your disposal too. In each environment you have objectives, such as reaching a certain area, eliminating guards or destroying equipment. You’re vastly outnumbered, but you’re essentially a one woman wrecking crew that can do things John Wick could only dream of.
You are highly mobile, able to wall-run, slide and dive through the air while still raining fire down on your enemies. Not only do these stunts look cool, but they also make you invincible while doing them and charge up your bullet-time meter. Activating bullet time gives you much more time to react and looks incredibly cool as you fly through the air, smash through windows and spray enemies with bullets.
As well as the campaign mode Severed Steel also has an arcade mode where you can compete for high scores in different maps on the online leaderboard. This mode also allows you to unlock new levels, weapons and mods (such as big-head mode or paintball mode) which add to the replayability.
It’s a huge amount of fun, with epic slow-mo filled gunfights that make you feel like you’ve stepped into The Matrix. As with Hotline Miami, there’s a real satisfaction to be had from learning the environments and getting a good flow of death and destruction going. Sign up now to join in the Beta to join in the fun, any other FPS feels tame in comparison!
You Can Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
To sign up for the Severed Steel Beta just join the official Discord Group then sign up via the form in the #beta-sign-up channel.