Souls Rescue – Alpha Download

souls rescue game

Souls Rescue is a fun dungeon crawling roguelike in which you can battle enemies, customize weapons, craft spells, grow plants and purchase pets, as you take a selection of different character classes though it’s deadly randomly generated dungeons.

In each level of Souls Rescue you must find the stairwell that takes you further down into the depths of the dungeon, with the difficulty increasing each time. The randomly generated dungeons are vast environments, filled enemies to dispatch and loot to collect. This loot has lots of uses – items can be combined to craft spells, seeds can be planted to grow plants and weapons and armor can be equipped and customized.

With charming 2D pixel art visuals and plenty to discover, it’s great fun exploring the dungeons of Souls Rescue – an addictive game takes traditional roguelike dungeon crawling and adds plenty of depth.

NOTE: Unless you know what to look for it can be a little tricky to spot the doors on the left and right sides of the rooms. Just looks for signs of a gap and walk towards it.

Download The Souls Rescue Alpha Here (Win, Mac & Linux)

2 thoughts on “Souls Rescue – Alpha Download”

  1. Hi,

    I am a member of the BlackBones Family.
    Thanks to to speak about our game Souls Rescue.

    Dajah I hope you will love next releases :)

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