SRC: Sprint Robot Championship is a Sci-Fi racing game that blends WipEout-esque high speed racing with Mirrors Edge style first person parkour as futuristic racing robots compete to be the best in the world.
in SRC: Sprint Robot Championship you race along futuristic neon-filled race tracks, not in a car or anti-grav vehicle, but with a high speed racing robot capable of great speeds and great feats of agility. You can sprint, slide, dash and wall-run through SRC’s wide range of tracks with no speed limit as you attempt to rack up the fastest times possible and earn a place on the online leaderboards.
You’ll be able to download ghosts to compete against or compete in online multiplayer matches and tournaments. When competing against other players track knowledge is key as you figure out the fastest racing lines and interactable objects in the environment that you can use to disrupt your opponent’s race.
It’s a great looking game with a real sense of speed, skill based parkour action and lots of opportunities for short-cuts. Sign up now get under starters orders for the Beta!
Sign Up For The SRC Beta Here (Fill Out Form at Bottom of the Page)