Dizzel – Open Beta (Steam)


Dizzel, the oddly named 3rd person multiplayer shooter is now free to download on Steam Early Access.  It features fast paced cover shooting action similar to Gears of War but with faster gameplay and gore, lots and lots of gore.

Dizzel is a game that definitely doesn’t take itself too seriously, with over the top violence, fast paced gameplay and a selection of brutal fatalities … Read More

Come & Join Us On Facebook!


Alpha Beta Gamer is now on Facebook!

It’s taken us a year, but we’ve finally got a Facebook page sorted out.  We’ll be updating it every day.  We’ll also be using it for smaller Alpha/Beta key giveaways now and again, as well as bigger ones at certain milestones (100 likes, 500 likes, 1000 likes etc.)

So come on by and say hi.  Now that we’re … Read More

Chaos Heroes Online – Beta Sign-Up

chaos heroes online

Chaos Heroes Online is a snazzy looking new MOBA based on a variant of the original DOTA mod for Warcraft III.

It’s yet another MOBA in a market reaching saturation point, and doesn’t do an awful lot to distinguish itself from all the other MOBAs out there, but it does have some merits.  It comes with a nice selection of heroes, some rather flamboyant special … Read More

Alpha Birthday Gamer!

Alpha Beta Gamer

Alpha Beta Gamer is one year old!  We hope you’ve found some interesting games through the site over the past year and we plan to bring you plenty more.  We also hope that we’ve helped spread the word and get some useful feedback on games that deserve your attention.

We’d love to hear any feedback about the Alpha Beta Gamer site.  Any improvements you can … Read More

VANISH – Beta Download


VANISH is an first-person horror adventure game where you have to keep your sanity in check as you’re thrown into a sewer-like labyrinth where a blood-thirsty beast roams, ready to rip you to shreds.

In the game you’ll find clues, hints and notes to help you find your way out of the hellhole that you were thrown into.  It’s easy to get lost in this … Read More