Wickland – Open Beta


Wickland is an old school arena FPS heavily inspired by classic 90’s shooters like Heretic and Hexen, allowing you to morph into several different deadly beasts and frag your foe with unique attacks.

In Wickland the goal is very simple – kill your opponent.  When in your camp (a lobby with up to 64 players) you challenge another player to a duel by scrolling … Read More

Bears Can’t Drift – Beta Download

bears cant drift

Bears Can’t Drift is a fun kart racer inspired by classics like Diddy Kong and Mario Kart 64, that features multiplayer split screen action, allowing you to play with friends and drift your way to victory.

Bears Can’t Drift is setting out to rectify the problem that there are so few split screen multiplayer games out these days, aiming to be a fun Mario KartRead More