Cosmogonic Overflow – Alpha Demo

Cosmogonic Overflow is a cleverly crafted cosmic horror metroidvania that’s played via a virtual book with pop-up pictures and interactable elements.

Playing a little like a blend of a Choose Your Own Adventure book and a metroidvania, Cosmogonic Overflow is a game that takes place entirely within a virtual book. You can read and flip pages as in a normal book, but to unlock more … Read More

Exilium – Beta Demo

Exilium is a creepy point and click puzzle adventure where a priest attempts to exorcise demons and stop occult rituals.

In Exilium you are an exorcist whose job is to keep the balance and prevent the world from falling to darkness. You will travel to different locations where you’ll need to gather useful items, set traps and perform rituals to exorcise demons from possessed people.… Read More

Europa – Beta Demo

Europa is a beautiful exploration adventure where an android explores a fallen utopia and discovers the story of the last living human.

In Europa you are an android named Zee, who has travelled to the moon of Europa in search of answers. The moon was terraformed by humanity, but the civilization of mankind has long since fallen and now it’s populated by wildlife and lush … Read More

Chitin – Game Jam Build Download

Chitin is a short and intense creepy crawly horror FPS set in a building that’s infested with huge killer bugs.

Due to the time restraints of the game jam the game was created for, there’s not much in the way of a story in Chitin, but it essentially sees you trying to survive as you make your way through a bug-infested building. You have … Read More

Moonbase Lambda – Beta Download

Moonbase Lambda is a 1-bit styled roguelike horror game where you have to figure out how to escape from a moon base that’s been invaded by a hostile alien lifeform.

In Moonbase Lambda you awaken from a cryogenic sleep to find that the moon base you’re stationed in is abandoned. The reason the base is abandoned soon becomes apparent (a giant tentacled alien monster) and … Read More