Kram Keep – Game Jam Build

Kram Keep game

Kram Keep fun miniature metroidvania platformer made for Ludum Dare 31 (Entire Game on One Screen), with challenging gameplay, charming pixel art visuals and an excellent soundtrack.

In the game you must explore the castle, battling a variety of enemies and collecting new abilities.  It may look like a small game, but it’ll take a while to complete as the game is pretty challenging.  You’ll … Read More

The ABG YouTube Community Page!

ABG Youtube community

We’re incredibly grateful for all the Let’s Plays the YouTube community have created that feature games found via Alpha Beta Gamer.  Not only do all the awesome videos help spread the word about our little site, but it’s also one of the best ways for devs to get feedback on their games – when it comes to playtesting, nothing beats being able to watch people … Read More

Cloudbase Prime – Alpha Download

Cloudbase prime game final

Cloudbase Prime is a game that just gets more and more amazing each time we play it.  It’s a fabulous first person shooter/platformer that we first covered last year, with huge enemies, a wicked sense of humor, a fantastic low poly visual style, and the ability to manipulate the environment to propel you (or enemies) high into the air.

To coincide with the start … Read More

12 is better than 6 – Alpha Demo

12 is better than 6 game

12 is Better Than 6 is a hardcore top-down shooter with a cool pen-and-ink (and blood) visual style that combines stealth, action and good old fashioned Western shoot-outs.

Playing a little like Hotline Miami, you have to pick your moments to strike in 12 is Better Than 6, sometimes it’s best to sneak by enemies, others it’s best to go in guns blazing.  … Read More

Ephemeral – Game Jam Build Download


Ephemeral is a beautiful little game that sees two entities forming a forming a relationship, then falling in and out of love as they plummet to their doom.

Featuring a beautiful minimalist art style, and some wonderful writing, during the games short playtime you really start to feel for the couple and hope that they’ll get together.  Whether they do or not is up to … Read More