Lethal League – Prototype

Lethal League

Lethal League is a highly competitive 2D projectile fighting game that’s not for the weak. With great looking art and nice beats, the goal of the game is to launch a ball into your enemy and get a K.O.  Imagine a dodgeball and baseball had an ass-kicking baby and you get Lethal League.

It’s a simple, addictive game that can quickly become very competitive, … Read More

Gorogoa – IGF Award Winner – Alpha Demo

gorogoa game

We see a lot of interesting games at Alpha Beta Gamer, but Gorogoa is 15 minutes of the most unique, innovative and intelligent gameplay we’ve experienced this year.

Gameplay is spilt across four beautifully illustrated and animated panels that helped win it the IGF Excellence in Visual Arts Award.  These four panels can be moved around, zoomed in and out of and placed on top … Read More

Age Of Ascent – Open Alpha

Age of Ascent

Age of Ascent (AoA) is a great looking space-based sandbox MMO that we covered last month when they were planning on breaking EVE Online’s world record (4070 concurrent pilots fighting) by staging the largest PvP battle ever seen.  Unfortunately they didn’t manage to break the record, but it wasn’t down to any issues with the framework (which was designed for 50,000+ players), it was just … Read More