Tank Force is a fun multiplayer online tank warfare game that focuses on fast paced arcade battles with a very limited supply of lives and a nice selection of vehicles.
Tank Force supports cross-play between PC and mobile devices, allowing players to pick up and play on either platform with their progress being saved across both. It currently features NATO and Russian factions (with the Asian military due to be added soon), each with their own unique selections of vehicles. Battles take place over fairly compact battlefields with destructible environments, with teams attempting to either eliminate each other or steal the opposition’s flag. The encounters are fairly high stakes as you only have a limited amount of tanks available – only one initially, but as you progress you can unlock new slots and tanks to use.
It’s nowhere near as detailed as the likes of World of Tanks, but Tank Force is certainly worth checking out for some pick up and play, fast paced tank blasting fun. To to join in on Android you can subscribe here and then follow the link within to download the Beta. We have 900 keys to giveaway to those who want to join in the Steam Beta test. To claim your key just carry out any three of the actions in the widget below and it will instantly appear in the widget!
You can check out Tank Force on Steam Here