The Beast Inside is an intriguing new narrative driven horror-thriller adventure with physics based gameplay and a story that involves your character exploring dark flashbacks of traumatic events in the past and inadvertently awakening the beast inside.
In The Beast Inside you take on the Role of Adam, a protagonist who delves into the past to relive traumatic events. The story is told through present day sections and through retrospections that uncover the story of another person from the past. Prying into your past may not be recommended though, as it may end up awakening something very dark indeed.
The Beast inside is still early in development so there’s no gameplay footage available yet, but the screenshots are beautifully detailed and full of atmosphere. Of particular importance is how you interact with objects – every item has physical properties, with you able to pick them up, rotate them, throw them, use them to block entrances, etc. You don’t just click on the items to interact with then, you have to physically move them, and they all have their own weight and physical properties (for example, a drawer that’s filled with heavy objects is harder to open).
It’s an interesting game, with a dark narrative, beautifully detailed visuals and a very tactile element to the physics based gameplay. Sign up for the Beta to unleash your inner beast!
Sign Up For The Beast Inside Beta Here
We know that many of you were waiting for some gameplay footage from The Beast Inside. We are excited to show you first sneak peek video from our game that shows one of our game mechanics.
What do you think?
Hi! Looks great! It’s a very intriguing game, will definitely follow its development. :)