The Crimson Diamond – Beta Demo

The Crimson Diamond is an EGA styled point and click text parser mystery adventure where a geologist investigates the discovery of a massive diamond in Ontario.

In The Crimson Diamond you follow the adventure of a young Canadian geologist called Nancy Maple, who is a clerk at the Royal Canadian Museum. She is sent to investigate the story of a massive diamond that was found inside a fish in the ghost town of Crimson, Ontario. However, when she gets there it becomes apparent that there;s something suspicious afoot.

The gameplay in The Crimson Diamond is very much inspired by classic EGA adventures, so you can use your mouse to do certain things like move your character and select items in your inventory, but you’ll need to actually type out commands for your character to perform actions (look, take, talk to, etc). You’ll chat to the locals, solve puzzles and hopefully unravel the mystery of the Crimson Diamond.

It’s a wonderful love letter to classic EGA adventures with a very well written story, classic gameplay and some superb pixel art animation that’s packed full of details. It’s a lot of fun getting to know the characters and by the end of the demo you’ll be dying to know more about the mystery of the Crimson Diamond. Highly recommended.

Download The The Crimson Diamond Beta Demo Here (Steam)